MOSS Kids book club
Welcome to MOSS Kids Book Club.
Each month a specific book will be featured with printables diy crafts/activities on our blog.
Start Your
Book Club
1. Get a group of kids together! Playdate group? Family? Friends from school? All you need is a minimum of 5 kids who are interested in getting together to read, craft & play.
2. Set a time & find a place. Do it at your house. The local park. A library. Be sure to get permission prior, just in case.
3. Join our book club list so we can mail the book of the month to you & send you an email with all the goodies you will need for that month's club meeting!
4. READ! Get together to read, craft & play. Make memories while cultivating a love for reading.

join here!
Sign up below to join our monthly MOSS Kid's Book Club. Give us a little bit of information on your book club & will ship the book directly to you. Each month, you will receive an email with information about the book, a craft, printables & a community outreach activity for your group to do together. If you sign up, you will also receive a virtual storytime of our book of the month. Be sure to share your adventures on instagram & tag us @mosskidsbooks